Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You're just so smart...

Hey All!

Hope everyones having a lovely Wednesday morning! Todays blog is going to be kind of serious (don't worry, I'm still going to be speaking about something that REALLY irritates me) but its not as light, or unimportant as everything else I've discussed.

As most of you might know (I'm talking to all 3 of my readers, hi Mom!) I'm a religious girl. Well, I wouldn't say religious so much as I know Jesus Christ. I don't know of Him, don't know about Him, I know Him. While I grew up in the church, I was never forced to attend. My father isn't really one for organized religion, my mother is religious, but not at all the type to shove it down my throat. Never once was I (nor my sisters) made to attend a religious service, never once was I guilted into anything religious. God, the church, and religion have always been completely and totally up to me. Having said that, I will say that I am frustrated. Frustrated with a number of people, but namely, the "intellectuals"

I'm so frustrated with people that think they're smarter than everyone in the world, and even God. That religion and God are "beneath" them. That they're so intellectual, that they can see past all this God/spiritual stuff, and that everyone else on the planet has just created God and religion as a coping mechanism, or way to deal with issues so they don't really have to. Roughly 84% of the worlds population believes in God. This isn't specific to Christianity, just God. Is anyone really SO arrogant, that they believe they're smarter than 84% of the WORLDS population? Sure this includes complete morons, agreed, but this also includes some of the most intelligent people ever to walk to planet (like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking who both strongly opposed atheism) Do you think you understand more than they do? Really?

On to Christianity. About 30% of the worlds population is christian (roughly 2.1 billion people). Sure, there are morons in this group too - but there are also people like: Mother Teresa, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther King, etc. Examples of people that have truly impacted the entire world. Mother Teresa devoted her life to the serving the poorest of the poor in India saying "The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it". Its one thing for a cult to brainwash you into killing yourself with a group of people, it's another thing to say that someone has been brainwashed, to HAPPILY give their entire life (50 years) to the continuous service of others. Where do you think that comes from? I know personally (and you do too, you just may not know who they are) a man who studied for 10 years, became a doctor and only practiced 13 days before giving his life to Christ. I know another man who in his 20s was a practicing attorney, making well over 200k and living "the life" before giving it all up to serve Christ. I know people who have left their families, friends, and all that they know (gladly, willingly) to serve the Lord in impoverish nations. All members of our community.

These are not famous people, they are not people the world knows, they are people God knows, and that know God. Do you really presume to tell me that these people have done all this as a method of coping? That they've sacrificed all they know and love because this is the only way they were taught, and this is all they know? That they havent been out, havent seen the way of the world, and have chosen this because there is no other option? That they've done all this because they're not as smart as you? Because they just don't understand whats really going on? That they've done all this because they simply don't realize they're being brainwashed? That they've sacrificed everything (often times against the wishes of their families and friends) to serve God, because they're dumb, or not intellectuals? Really? Is that what you're trying to tell me with all your intellect? Because quite frankly, I don't buy it. Speaking as someone who didn't know God for a good portion of my life - there is no way I would have been able to commit anything to Him until recently. No way I could ever turn my life over to a God I hadn't seen, heard, felt, or understood. Sure there are plenty of people who are hypocrites, yes. But there are also plenty of people out there who are actually doing big things in the name of Jesus Christ, are you really so arrogant to tell me that they're morons? That you're smarter, and you know better?

Sure, there is a lot that we dont understand. But in all your genius, why is it that you expect to know and understand God and His ways. Answer me this, if you knew all there was to know about God - why would there be a need? Who wants a God just as smart as I am? Who wants a God that I understand completely and totally? Who wants a God thats equal with me - what makes Him God then? And if you had THAT GOD, trust, you still wouldnt believe him. You dont take Him now, because there are so many unanswered questions, but believe me, if those questions were answered, you'd still call him a God made by man, because he would be equal to man. The intellectuals have designed it so that they can never be satisfied, so that they can never try, never know, never be disspointed, and also, never be completed. And take a minute to ask yourself, what you've ever done to understand. What have you done to get to know Him. How much have you offered? How much have you committed? I dont think I've sacrificed enough, but I've been shown. I dont think I've fully committed my life, but I've been spoken to. I dont think I've totally loved Him, but I have been loved by Him. Me, and plenty of other people all over the world - we make our best efforts, truly, and He speaks. If you go the best that you can, He will come. I would actually venture to say its the opposite. It's the intellectuals who have ONLY done what they're told. Who have only done and seen whats exactly in front of them, and made no efforts to go deeper. Who have stayed completely surface, relying on their wits and made no effort to see what the world has seen. It's fine, call me an idiot, you can call me whatever you want, but God is not someone I believe in, He is not someone I hope for, He is not someone I have faith in, He's someone I know. My faith is my knowledge of Him, I personally, could not have faith, had I not known Him.

So, imagine if for a second, just for one second you could put aside your hurt, anger, frustration, sadness, disappointment, laziness, pride, arrogance, and intellect for just a moment - and consider the possibility that maybe, JUST MAYBE 2.1 billion people might know something that you don't. That maybe, 2.1 billion people have seen something you haven't. That 2.1 billion people have committed, and had an experience you are yet to have. Just consider the slight possibility that maybe you're wrong. That maybe we aren't all just morons who don't know any better, that we're not just a bunch of cattle being herded into a church every Sunday morning, and that maybe we are people who don't know about God, but who KNOW God, and are happy to greet Him as often as we can. Stop and consider the possibility that love of God isn't a law, but a choice that billions of people gladly make daily. I know, Christians are all morons, but maybe - we're not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Word! I feel you duce...preach on sista! :)