Thursday, December 23, 2010

I love the Christmas mass text...(sense the tone)

Good morning!

After several days of rain, I'm glad to report that the sun is out, and shining, and all is well in southern California again! Thank God.

With Christmas rapidly approaching, I find myself feeling lots of things. Joy, excitement, warm fuzzies, etc. There is, however, one thing I know will come this Christmas, and I am NOT excited about it. You know it, I know it: The Mass "Merry Christmas" Text. It comes every year, and is certainly not limited to Christmas, but sadly, it rears its ugly head every major holiday.

You know whats funny to me about the mass holiday text? I'm fairly certain EVERYONE hates it. So my question is, who is still sending it and why!? (You know who you are, don't look away) There is no benefit to the text. It is not personal, thoughtful, or original. It's just annoying. Furthermore, just because I mention that the holiday text is not personal, thoughtful, or original, does not mean that I want a holiday text that is any of those things. It's ok to just let Christmas be the day that Jesus was born, and came to save us from our sins (between you and me, I think that's enough). It doesn't have to be the day you gave your meditations on "the joys of Christmas", or the day you flooded my inbox with your "insights" on Christs incarnation, or the day you just wanted to say "I hope you have an awesome Christmas full of joy and cheer". Its implied people. Its implied. I don't think if you spare the world from this ever-so-irritating text anyone will think: "Dude, I didn't get a mass text from ANYONE wishing me a Merry Christmas, why does everyone want me to have a miserable Christmas full of sadness...WHY?!?!?!". That isn't going to happen. People assume that everyone wants everyone to have a great Christmas (unless otherwise informed). In fact, I think if you do spare us all, just the opposite will happen. People will actually be able to enjoy their holiday without the following:

  • Checking their phone every 4 seconds to delete said texts.
  • Having to send the awkward "Thanks! Sorry, got a new phone, who is this?" text (they're always lying, you're just not saved)
  • Scrolling through 4 texts sent by one person because their text was so unnecessarily long that the simple "Merry Christmas" turned into Archangel Gabriel's entire dialogue with The Virgin Mary

Trust me, if you don't send the text no one will be sad, hurt, offended, or feel forgotten. On the contrary - everyone will be thrilled that they'll actually not have to worry about their stupid phones, and be able to spend some good quality time with their family. Seriously, just consider it, or leave me off. Thanks!

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