Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Really? NOW you're not around???

Gooooood morning! I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!

Today's blog is about something that happens all too often. Actually, every blog is about something that happens all too often...but today's REALLY gets under my skin. It has to do with cell phones. I know most people have issues with people constantly being on their phones, texting while driving, talking while out to dinner, etc. I get it, that's annoying...but you know what else is annoying??? People who are completely and totally unaware of their phones.

Has it ever happened to you (I know it has) when you were texting someone and you realized "I don't know why I'm texting paragraphs and paragraphs about this when we could just talk..." So then, after having texted someone for a good decide to pick up the phone and call. And then...NO ANSWER. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT. You and I were just texting back and forth, without pause, for the last 40 minutes, and NOW you're suddenly unavailable??? Where did you go? Are you suddenly underground??? (With the exception of new yorkers and the subway). Did you fall off the planet??? Did you suddenly lose your phone??? NO, YOU'RE JUST A MORON.

Or when someone calls you, you miss it because, I duno, you were in the bathroom. You call them back IMMEDIATELY, and no answer. Seriously? You JUST called me. It happens all the time! And you get the same annoying response every time "OH, my phone was on silent" Well you know what MORON, don't leave your phone on silent. If you call someone, its because you want/need to speak with them. If you call someone, you should be expecting a call back. Does this mean that you check your phone every 3 seconds, or leave your phone in front of your face everywhere you go? NO, but it does mean you don't leave your phone on SILENT after having tried to get in touch with someone. Stop being so friggen careless, and unaware, so the person you're trying to reach doesn't have the urge to rip your face off when you do finally answer your phone (although its highly unlikely that you'll answer anyway). The above actions literally send me into rage. RAGE. Nothing is more frustrating than knowing someone isn't getting back to you simply because they're lolly gagging, and doing nothing important. Get your head out of - the clouds...THE CLOUDS (please decipher that code) and get on the ball!

Also, Michael Ashamalla - I love you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that was hillarious. and so true. amir needs to read this lol...and how come mikey gets a i love u and i jk